still seeking my place…
Thursday, July 29, 2004
Please don't tell me this man is the great progressive hope for this nation.
"I'm John Kerry and I'm reporting for duty."
Is he serious? Was that poorly executed salute his idea? And we all thought Al Gore was a stiff.
Forget about that, if you can. Forget about all of that. As a matter of fact, just go ahead and forget about everything.
No really. It's OK. That's what Kerry wants.
He's a war hero. No he's a peace maker. No he's a war hero.
Go ahead. Blame the big bad Republicans for painting Kerry as a flip-flopper. Then take a closer look at the picture.
Yup. It's a photograph. A nice, glossy 8-by-10.
And Kerry's got wallet-sized prints to share. Here's just a few from his speech.
• Let's only go to war "because we have to," he says -- less than a year after voting for a resolution that allowed the President of the United States to go to war whenever and wherever he wants to.
• Let's bring in more allies to share the burden in Iraq, he says -- less than a year after signing his name on a piece of paper that allowed President Bush to go it alone.
• Saying there is weapons of mass destruction in Iraq doesn't make it so, he says -- less than a year after deciding that if President Bush said it was so, it was so.
But none of that should scare you. As any good Democrat will tell you (during this election cycle, at least) it's OK to grow wiser over time -- to change your heart and change your mind given further information (and the ever-changing tradewinds of public support.)
So don't be concerned that you have no idea of what John Kerry wants for Iraq. Worry about what John Kerry wants for America.
Still don't know Jack? Even after that inspiring convention speech?
That's OK. He's got to be better than Bush. Right?
Can I get an 'amen' America?
Oh, that's right. Amens are reserved for Bush this election cycle.
So too, it seems, is charisma. And that should scare you most of all.
Because in the absence of direction, voters choose character. And in absence of character, they'll choose a character.
And thus far, Bush has the corner on that market.
Please don't tell me this man is the great progressive hope for this nation.
"I'm John Kerry and I'm reporting for duty."
Is he serious? Was that poorly executed salute his idea? And we all thought Al Gore was a stiff.
Forget about that, if you can. Forget about all of that. As a matter of fact, just go ahead and forget about everything.
No really. It's OK. That's what Kerry wants.
He's a war hero. No he's a peace maker. No he's a war hero.
Go ahead. Blame the big bad Republicans for painting Kerry as a flip-flopper. Then take a closer look at the picture.
Yup. It's a photograph. A nice, glossy 8-by-10.
And Kerry's got wallet-sized prints to share. Here's just a few from his speech.
• Let's only go to war "because we have to," he says -- less than a year after voting for a resolution that allowed the President of the United States to go to war whenever and wherever he wants to.
• Let's bring in more allies to share the burden in Iraq, he says -- less than a year after signing his name on a piece of paper that allowed President Bush to go it alone.
• Saying there is weapons of mass destruction in Iraq doesn't make it so, he says -- less than a year after deciding that if President Bush said it was so, it was so.
But none of that should scare you. As any good Democrat will tell you (during this election cycle, at least) it's OK to grow wiser over time -- to change your heart and change your mind given further information (and the ever-changing tradewinds of public support.)
So don't be concerned that you have no idea of what John Kerry wants for Iraq. Worry about what John Kerry wants for America.
Still don't know Jack? Even after that inspiring convention speech?
That's OK. He's got to be better than Bush. Right?
Can I get an 'amen' America?
Oh, that's right. Amens are reserved for Bush this election cycle.
So too, it seems, is charisma. And that should scare you most of all.
Because in the absence of direction, voters choose character. And in absence of character, they'll choose a character.
And thus far, Bush has the corner on that market.
Every time I have doubts about the ability of Kerry to be a president....I look at the disaster that is Bush. All the lives lost because of his primary character trait; lying through his smirking teeth.
Kerry might not be the savior that you are demanding to come and lead you to whatever promise land of your dreams, but ask yourself.....what will the country, and the world, be like with four more years of that idiot monkey we have now in the White House.
Charisma is for dictators, housepets, and car salesmen. Quit thinking about who looks best on teevee and who is best for the country. This ain't an election for prom queen.
Kerry might not be the savior that you are demanding to come and lead you to whatever promise land of your dreams, but ask yourself.....what will the country, and the world, be like with four more years of that idiot monkey we have now in the White House.
Charisma is for dictators, housepets, and car salesmen. Quit thinking about who looks best on teevee and who is best for the country. This ain't an election for prom queen.
Maybe I'm being naive, and that's a possiblity. But what I've been focusing on is not who Kerry or Bush are, but who's behind them. Who are the scary sob's who have bought our candidates hook, line and sinker. I'm still doing my study, but I'm more comfortable with Kerry's scary sob's then Bush's.
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